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Business Model

Our Unique Business Model is to act as “A Doctor for  Listed Companies”—To Provide Authentic Value-Added Services to Public Companies.

Due to various reasons, there are quite a number of  poorly-rated or even “rubbish” stocks in the Hong Kong stock market.  Some of the companies may be in the “sunset” industries; some may encounter serious management problems; and others may have continuous operating losses. The stocks of these companies, therefore, are thinly traded, or traded at extremely low prices, which impair the firms’ image and cause the failure to achieve their original purposes (e.g., continuous financing, better business reputation, merger & acquisition, providing management incentives etc) of going public.

Based on these observations and our resources, Vision Finance Group Limited has created a sucessful business model as “a doctor for listed companies.” We coordinate our corporate advisory service, financial public relations service and fund investment service and provide our clients with a package of  “treatment” and “health care” so that our clients will regain energy and become the “shining stars” in the stock market.

The package of “treatment” and “health-care” services includes:

•  Diagnosing the listed company and identifying the reasons of the poor performance.
•  Producing the prescription of treatment, stipulating a comprehensive plan for business redesigning and restructuring.
•  Helping the listed company search and acquire promising new assets and new businesses.
•  Facilitating injection of the new assets and new businesses.
•  Coordinating the services of financial consulting, investor relations, and continuous financing after the restructuring.
•  Ensuring smooth communications with fund managers and other institutional investors, building up a recovering and healthy image of the company, therefore maximizing the function of the public company as a platform of capital operation.
•  Being a long-term advisor of the listed company, helping the company discover opportunities of business expansion, identify potential targets of merger and acquisition, as well as potential partners of strategic and operational alliances.

As a doctor for listed companies, Vision Finance Group Limited benefits ourselves by benefiting our clients first. We invest our own funds into the clients before the restructuring activities, demonstrating our ambition and determination to achieve success.

There are minimal cash charges to our clients. Our profit is primarily realized via capital gain, i.e., the rising of stock price. The premise of any upward stock price movement is that the package of the curing plan is practical and effective. Otherwise, there is no gain for our own business either. We maximize the common interest between ourselves and our clients, and this is a partnership business model sharing both risks and rewards.

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